International meeting as part of the „Career Counselling Practical Approach – A practical approach to career counseling”
On June 11-17, 2023, a meeting of the partners of the „Career” project was held in Maribor, Slovenia. Counselling Practical Approach – A practical approach to career counseling” from the Erasmus+ program. The visit was attended by: representatives of ZSP in Chojna, members of the Douzelage Association, representatives of the PUP „POMOT” company in Chojna, representatives of the Smart Idea company from Slovenia, representatives of the Mahmut Sami Ramazanoğlu AİHL school from Turkey and the Çeşitlilik association İçinde Birliktelik Derneği , from Hungary representatives of the Kőszeg school Lutheran High School and members of the Kőszeg Town Twinning association Association and from Romania Scoala Gimnaziala Petru Musat Siret .
The main goal of LTT was to prepare training participants to use the teaching materials available on the online platform.
During numerous meetings, mobility dates and tasks to be implemented in the second year of the project were discussed. During the meetings, partners shared their experiences in the field of career guidance in given countries. Techniques for incorporating career counseling are presented. The creation of another intellectual product, i.e. a guide: career guidance for parents, was discussed.
Practical workshops were held on the first intellectual product – an internet platform. The participants were introduced to the structure of the platform and the possibility of creating tests and diversifying them by selecting the type of question for selected scenarios. An interesting solution turned out to be interactive exercises in which you can combine graphics or video with text, using, among others: pairing, changing the order of pictures, searching for words, filling in gaps in sentences or doing a task using the drag and drop method.
As a summary of the project’s activities, an evaluation was carried out, which took place in a charming vineyard near Maribor.
After exhaustive training and workshops, the project participants visited Maribor as part of the integration and saw, among others: the oldest vine in the world, approximately 400 years old, which, thanks to its age, was entered into the Guinness Book of Records. The gondola ride to the top of the Pohorje mountain range , which is part of the Eastern Alps, was extremely exciting. From the top there was a stunning view of Maribor, the Drava valley and vineyards. During meetings and trips, project participants learned about Slovenia’s traditions and culture, and admired the country’s monuments and landscapes.