Report on the activities on the use of the online platform of the project
„Carrer counseling practical approach” Erasmus+ program
On September 12, 2023, teachers of the high school group in Chojna took part in a seminar on the use of the online platform of the project „Carrer counseling practical approach” of the Erasmus+ program. The seminar was conducted by the administrator of the platform, Ms. Kamila Góra, who presented the project platform, where there are 60 lesson plans prepared by teachers from partner schools of the project from Turkey, Romania, Hungary and Polish countries. Ms. Góra presented and discussed examples of lesson scenarios posted on the platform. She presented classroom applications, tests, quizzes, surveys and gave instructions on how to use them. During the seminar, all teachers used tablets and had the opportunity to practice using the platform on their own. After the seminar, the teachers took part in an online study on participation in pilot events for testing the project’s web platform. 48 teachers completed the survey. According to each of the interviewed teachers, the seminar met his expectations. The seminar program was highly appreciated. The content was conveyed in a clear and understandable form. According to 67% of teachers, the materials posted on the project’s online platform are useful, 71% of teachers said they would use the materials in their classrooms.
After the training, the teachers of the ZSP in Chojna conducted classes using materials posted on the platform https://platform.counselling-ccpa.com /, a total of 70 classes were held, during which teachers used the lesson plans posted on the project’s online platform.